South African Wine Industry StatisticsGrowth in wineries20102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Number of primary grape producers3 5963 5273 4403 3233 3143 2323 1453 0292 8732 7782 6932 6132 4872350Number of wine cellars which crush grapes573582582564559566568546542533529536524522Producer cellars5452505049484848474545434345Producing wholesalers2625232125242726272827222326Total hectares under wine grapes & total hectares planted and uprootedSource: SAWISWine grapes varieties as % of total HectaresSource: SAWISAge of vines per wine region for 2023 - hectares (Excluding Sultana)ExportsTotal quantity of wine exported (exl industrial wine) - litresPackaged and bulk wine exports per country - litres (exl industrial wine)Packaged wine exports per country - litresSource: SAWIS